viernes, 16 de julio de 2010

(only for academic purposes)

52) QUESADA,J.;  GUALLAR,S.;  NAVALPOTRO,H.; CARRILLO-ORTIZ, J.G.  & SENAR, J.C.  (2024). Recognizing interspecific dominance signals? Blue tits adjust nest defence based on great tit's black bib size. Ethology, In press (SCI)

51) FRAIXEDAS, S., RIERA, A., BARRIOCANAL, C., ALORDA-MONTIEL, I., QUESADA, J., RODELLAS, V., & GARCIA-ORELLANA, J. (2024). Concentrations and distribution of 210Pb in bird feathers and its potential for tracing age and flight times. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 274: 107397 (SCI)

50) GUALLAR, S. & QUESADA, J. 2023. Corrigendum to" Moult intensity constraints along the complete moult sequence of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)"[Avian Res. 14 (2023) 100125] . Avian Research. 14:1043(SCI) 

49) GUALLAR, S. & QUESADA, J. 2023. Moult intensity constraints along the complete moult sequence of the House Sparrow Passer domesticus . Avian Research. 14:1025 (SCI) 

48) GARCIA-ARROYO,M.; MACGREGOR-FORS,I.; QUESADA;J.; BORRÀS, A.; COLOMÉ-MENOYO, L & SENAR, J.C.  House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) escape behavior is triggered faster in smaller settlements. Sci. Reports. 13(1) 2545 (SCI) 

47) MACGREGOR-FORS,I., GARCIA-ARROYO,M. & QUESADA, J. (2022). "Keys to the city: an integrative conceptual framework on avian urban filtering".  Journal of Urban Ecology. 8(1): juac026(SCI) 

46) QUESADA, J., PÀMIES, E., OLIVER, C. &  MACGREGOR-FORS,I.  2022.Hunter sparrows: A predation record of House Sparrow on a Kentish Plover nestling. Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia.  38:37-42.

45) QUESADA, J., CHÁVEZ-ZICHINELLI, C.A., GARCIA-ARROYO, M.; YEH,P.J.; GUEVARA, R.; IZQUIERDO-PALMA, J. &  MACGREGOR-FORS,I. (2022)."Bold or shy? Examining the risk-taking behavior and neophobia of invasive and non-invasive House Sparrows".  Animal Biodiversity & Conservation. 45:97-106 (SCI) 

44) GUALLAR,S. CARRILLO-ORTIZ, J.G. & QUESADA, J. (2022)."Marginal-covert moult in the House Sparrow Passer domesticus".  Ringing & Migration. 36(2):95-104

43) GUALLAR,S. & QUESADA, J. (2021)."Moulting in the wrong season: a House Sparrow replacing a significant part of its plumage in winter".  Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia. 37:34-41.

42) MARTÍNEZ-VARGAS, J., ROQUÉ, L., DEL CANTO, I., CARRILLO-ORTIZ, J.G., ORTA, C. & QUESADA, J. (2021). “The impact of prolonged frozen storage on the preparation quality of bird skins and skeletons in zoological collections”. The Science of Nature. 108: (3), 1-13, (SCI)

41) CARRILLO-ORTIZ,J.G, GUALLAR,S., MARTÍNEZ-VARGAS. & QUESADA, J. 2021. "A revision of bird skin preparation aimed at improving the scientific value of ornithological collections". Avian Biol Res.  14 (2), 48-54. (SCI) (PDF)

40) GARCIA-ARROYO, M., SANTIAGO-ALARCON, D., QUESADA, J. & MACGREGOR-FORS,I. 2020. “Are invasive House Sparrows a nuisance for native avifauna when scarce”. Urban Ecosystems. 23: 793–802. (SCI)

39)MACGREGOR-FORS,I., GARCIA-ARROYO,M.; MARÍN-GOMEZ,OH. & QUESADA, J. (2020) "On the meat scavenging behavior of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)". Wilson J Ornithol. 132:188-191   (SCI)

38) LARIOS-MARTÍN,R.; CARBONELL,F. ; OBÓN,E. ; ALONSO,M. ; VALBUENA-UREÑA,E. & QUESADA., J.  2020. “The developmental biology of Calotriton arnoldi: an analysis of the speed of growth of accidentally amputated extremities”. Bol. Asoc. Herpetol. Esp.: 31(2):1-8.

37) MACGREGOR-FORS,I., QUESADA, J. LEE,G-H.  & YEH,P.J. 2019. “On the lookout for danger: house sparrow alert distance in three cities”. Urban Ecosystems.  22(5), 955-960. (SCI)

36) GONZÁLEZ-GARCÍA, J.M;  LARA, C.;  QUESADA, J.;  CHÁVEZ-ZICHINELLI, C.A, & SERRANO-MENESES, M.A. 2018. “Superciliums in white-eared hummingbirds as badges of status signaling dominance”. The Science of Nature (Naturwissenschaften). 105 (3-4), 31. (SCI)

35) CUITO, M.; GARGALLO, G.; JULIEN, A.; &; QUESADA, J.  2018. “Actes del 1r Congrés d'Ornitologia de les Terres de Parla Catalana" - Barcelona, 12-14 d'octubre de 2018.

34) MACGREGOR-FORS,I., QUESADA, J. LEE,G-H.  &  YEH,P.J.. 2017. “Space invaders: House Sparrow densities along three urban-agricultural landscapes”. Avian Conservation and Ecology. 12(2):11. (SCI) (PDF)

33) COVAS, L.  SENAR, J. C. ROQUÉ, L.  & QUESADA, J. 2017. Records of fatal attacks by Rose-ringed Parakeets Psittacula krameri on native avifauna. Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia. 33:45-49 (PDF)

32) QUESADA,J., AURELL-GARRIDO, J.; GAGO,S.; BOET, O. & GARCIA-FRANQUESA, E. 2016. ”Measurement errors in 3D models used in osteometric data research with freeware: a test using skulls of the algerian hedgehog (Atelerix algirus)”. Vertebrate Zoology. (SCI) 66 (3): 411–418. (PDF)

31) HERRANDO, S. BROTONS, Ll. ANTON, M. PÁRAMO, F. VILLERO, D. TITEUX, N. QUESADA, J. & STEFANESCU, C. 2016. “Assessing impacts of land abandonment on Mediterranean biodiversity using indicators based on bird and butterfly monitoring data”. Environmental Conservation.  43(1): 69-78 (SCI) (PDF)

30) QUESADA, J.; URIBE, F. &; CARRILLO-ORTIZ; J.G. (Editors), 2014. XV Congreso Nacional y XII Iberoamericano de Etología. Libro de resúmenes. Sociedad Española de Etología, Barcelona (Spain) (PDF)

29) SANTOS, X., MATEOS, E., BROS, V., BROTONS, Ll., DE MAS, E., HERRAIZ, J.A., HERRANDO, S., MIÑO, A., OLMO-VIDAL, J.M., QUESADA, J., RIBES, J., SABATÉ, S., SAURAS-YERA, T., SERRA, A., VALLEJO, V.R. & VIÑOLAS, A. 2014. "Is response to fire influenced by dietary specialization and mobility? A comparative study with multiple animal assemblages”. PLOS ONE. 9(2):e88224. (SCI) (PDF)

28) SENAR, J.C., CONROY, M.J., QUESADA, J. & MATEOS-GONZÁLEZ, F. 2014. "Selection based on the size of the black tie of the Great tit may be reversed in urban habitats". Ecology & Evolution 4 (13):2625–2632 (SCI) (PDF)

27) QUESADA, J., CHÁVEZ-ZICHINELLI, C.A., SENAR, J.C. & SCHONDUBE, J.E. 2013. "Plumage coloration in Blue Grosbeaks has no dual function: a test of the armament-ornament model of sexual selection"  The Condor. 115:902-909  (SCI) (PDF)

26) CHÁVEZ-ZICHINELLI, C.A., MACGREGOR-FORS, I., QUESADA, J., TALAMÁS ROHANA, P., ROMANO, M.C., VALDÉZ, R.& SCHONDUBE, J.E. 2013. "How stressed are birds in an urbanizing landscape? Relationships between different habitat conditions and the physiology of birds in three subtropical conditions". The Condor. 115:1-9 (SCI) (PDF)

25) QUESADA, J. & SENAR, J.C. 2012. "Marking Great tit nestlings: identifying sources of paint loss and assessing an effective marking effort". Ornithological Catalan Journal. 28: 20-27 (PDF)

24) HERRANDO, S.; WEISERBS, A.; QUESADA, J.; FERRER, X. & PAQUET, J-Y. 2012. "Development of an urban bird indicator: new perspectives using data from monitoring schemes in Barcelona and Brussels". Animal Biodiversity & Conservation. 35: 141-150 (SCI) (PDF)

23) QUESADA, J; BADOSA, E.; PASTOR,T.; PEREZ-RUIZ, N. & MIRALLES-CASSINA, M. 2012. "El blauet (Alcedo atthis) com a bioindicador de metalls pesants als rius de Catalunya". II Monografies de la Serralada Litoral Central · VI Monografies del Parc del Montnegre i el Corredor. p. 401-414  (PDF)

22) DALMAU, A; SANMARTÍ, R.; HERRANDO, S. & QUESADA, J. 2012. "Anàlisi espacial de les espècies d’ocells exòtics al Parc de la Serralada Litoral". II Monografies de la Serralada Litoral Central · VI Monografies del Parc del Montnegre i el Corredor. p. 140-152  (PDF)

21) QUESADA, J.; GARCÍA-FRANQUESA, E.; DÍAZ-LORCA, A. & PÉREZ- AZCÁRATE, M. 2011. "Preventive conservation in the natural sciences museum of Barcelona (NAT): monitoring environmental conditions of zoological collections". Abstracts of the II Conservation Workshop: A Forum to learn and to discuss about the main problems in Conservation Preparation and Restorating of Natural History Collections. 17-21 maig 2011. Sabadell. In press (DOC)

20) ANTON, M., HERRANDO, S., REQUENA, D., STEFANESCU, C. & QUESADA, J. 2011. "Tendències de les poblacions d’ocells i papallones al Garraf: donen els dos grups resultats en la mateixa direcció?" VI Monografies  del Garraf i d'Olèrdola. 22: 76-85 (PDF)

19) MATEOS-GONZÁLEZ, F; QUESADA, J. & SENAR, J.C. 2011. "Sexy birds are superior at solving a foraging problem". Biology Letters. 7: 668-669 (SCI) (PDF).

18) PAGANI–NÚÑEZ,E. ; RUIZ,Í. ; QUESADA,J. ; NEGRO,J. J.  & SENAR,J. C. 2011. "The diet of Great Tit Parus major nestlings in a Mediterranean Iberian forest: the important role of spiders". Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. 34 (2): 355-361. (SCI) (PDF)

17) QUESADA, J., GUALLAR, S.; PÉREZ-RUÍZ, N.; ESTRADA, J. & HERRANDO, S. 2010. "Observer error associated with band allocation is negligible in large scale bird monitoring schemes but, how precise is using bands at all?" Ardeola. 57:23-32. (SCI) (PDF) 

16) DEL VAL, E.; QUESADA, J. & SENAR, J.C. 2010. Age-related differences in a carotenoid-based coloration trait are due to within-individual changes in Great Tits (Parus major). Ardea. 98.179-184 (SCI) (PDF)

15) GUALLAR, S.; QUESADA, J.; GARGALLO, G.; HERRANDO, S. & ROMERO, J.M. 2010. " Use of Discriminant analyses in the sex determination of passerine species breeding in a western Mediterranean area". Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia. 26:38-50 (PDF)

14) QUESADA, J. & FIGUEROLA, J. 2010." Potencia de una prueba estadística: aplicación e interpretación en ecología del comportamiento. Etologuía. 22.19-36 (PDF)

13) QUESADA, J. & MACGREGOR-FORS, I. 2010. " Avian community responses to the establishment of a small-size orchard garden ina Mediterranean mosaic". Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. 33:53-61. (SCI) (PDF)

12) HERRANDO, S., LLIMONA, F., BROTONS, L. & QUESADA, J. "A new exotic bird in Europe: recent spread and potential range of the Red-billed Leiothrix Leiothrix lutea in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula)". Bird Study.  57.226-235 (SCI)(PDF)

11) HERRANDO, S.; BROTONS, Ll.; GUALLAR, S.; & QUESADA, J. "Assessing regional variation in conservation value using fine-grained bird atlas". Biodiversity and Conservation. 19:867-881 (SCI) (PDF)

10) MACGREGOR-FORS, I., MORALES-PEREZ, L.; QUESADA, J.& SCHONDUBE, J.E. "Relationship between the presence of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and Neotropical bird community structure and diversity". Biological invasions. 12:(1)87-96.(SCI) (PDF)

9) ANTÓN, M., HERRANDO, S. & QUESADA, J. “ Do nest-boxes encourage the recovery of bird populations after fire? A field experiment with tits in a Mediterranean forest”. Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia: 25.1-10 (PDF)

8) QUESADA, J. & SENAR, J.C. "Cross-fostering experiments to compare carotenoid- and melanin-based plumage patches and long-term parental effects in post-moulted great tits" Behaviour: 146.1245-1251. (SCI) (PDF)

7) MACGREGOR-FORS, I.,SCHONDUBE, J.E.; MORALES-PEREZ, L.; QUESADA, J. Ampliación del ámbito geográfico-altitudinal y uso de hábitats suburbanos por la mascarita pico grueso Geothlypis poliocephala. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 79: 533- 534. (SCI)(PDF)

6) SENAR, J.C.; NEGRO,J.J; QUESADA,J.; RUIZ,I. & GARRIDO, J. “Two pieces of information in a single trait?: the yellow breast of the Great Tit reflects both pigment acquisition and body condition". Behaviour. 145:(9).1195-1210.(SCI) (PDF)

5) QUESADA, J. & SENAR, J.C. . “The role of melanin- and carotenoid-based plumage coloration in nest defence in the Great Tit”. Ethology.113:(7).640–647 (SCI) (PDF)

4) QUESADA, J. "The different roles of the roof density and nest size in the Iberian magpie nest". Acta Ethologica 10:41-45 (SCI) (PDF)

3) SENAR, J. C. & QUESADA ,J. “Absolute and relative signals: a comparison between carotenoid- and melanin-based patches”. Behaviour. 143.589-595 (SCI) (PDF)

2) QUESADA, J. & SENAR, J.C. “Comparing plumage colour measurements obtained directly from live birds and from collected feathers: the case of the great tit Parus major". Journal of Avian Biology. 37:609-616. (SCI) (PDF)

1) QUESADA, J. “Different pigmentary alterations of a carotenoid-based patch in the Great Tit Parus major: two cases to discuss”. Revista Catalana d'Ornitologia 22:9-13 (PDF)